Chinking and Caulking

Chinking and Caulking

Chinking and Caulking

Common types of Chinking, Caulking and Air Sealing for new and old log homes explained What are the common types of Chinking, Caulking and Air Sealing for Log Homes? What works best and what should be avoided? What conditions cause failures? These are some of the common questions that customers customers ask me so lets

Media, Corn Cob and Sandblasting Logs

There are many myths and alternative facts on the Internet about media blasting. Media blasting is a form of removing stain, paints, debris, and other coatings from a substrate with compressed air or steam which accelerate a particle or media that removes the finish on impact. Let’s talk about the types of media used on

Chemical Stripper Considerations

The use of chemical strippers is not as easy as many people think, especially when it pertains to stripping paints and stains off of facia, soffit, decks and logs.  There are scenarios that stripping is unavoidable, however we use stripping as a last option if no other treatment is applicable. Pros  1. Strippers can remove