Media Blasting, Sanding, and Pressure Washing

Media Blasting: Gentle and Effective Cleaning

Media blasting is a highly effective and environmentally friendly method for removing dirt, grime, and old finishes from your log home. At WEATHERWIZE, we use:

  • Corn cob media for a gentle, yet thorough cleaning
  • Glass bead media for stubborn stains and tougher finishes
  • Walnut shell media for delicate surfaces and intricate designs

Our media blasting techniques are designed to clean and restore your logs without causing damage to the wood, ensuring a flawless finish that lasts.

Sanding: Smooth and Refined Results

Sanding is a crucial step in the log home restoration process, as it helps to:

  • Remove any remaining debris or old finishes
  • Smooth out rough or uneven surfaces
  • Prepare the logs for staining or other treatments

WEATHERWIZE’s experienced craftsmen use advanced sanding equipment and techniques to achieve a smooth, uniform surface that showcases the natural grain and beauty of your logs.

Pressure Washing: Deep Cleaning for Your Log Home

Pressure washing is an efficient way to remove built-up dirt, algae, and other contaminants from your log home’s exterior. Our team uses:

  • Carefully calibrated pressure settings to avoid damaging the wood
  • Eco-friendly cleaning solutions to minimize environmental impact
  • Specialized techniques to clean hard-to-reach areas and crevices

With WEATHERWIZE’s pressure washing services, your log home will look clean, refreshed, and ready for the next step in the restoration process.

Comprehensive Restoration Solutions

Media blasting, sanding, and pressure washing are just a few of the many services WEATHERWIZE offers to help restore and maintain your log home. Our comprehensive restoration solutions also include:

  • Log repair and replacement
  • Chinking and caulking
  • Staining and sealing
  • Insect and pest control

Our team will work with you to create a customized restoration plan that addresses your log home’s unique needs and ensures long-lasting results.

Trust the Experts at WEATHERWIZE

When it comes to media blasting, sanding, and pressure washing for your log home, trust the experts at WEATHERWIZE. With our:

  • Proven track record of success
  • Commitment to quality and customer satisfaction
  • Use of industry-leading equipment and techniques
  • Highly skilled and experienced technicians
  • Dedication to environmental stewardship

You can rest assured that your log home is in capable hands. Contact WEATHERWIZE today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards revitalizing your dream home.